I went back through Stinky's as of recent armed with my tripod searching for some solid long exposure shots from deep within its crumbling husk. My increased interest in this spot as of late is double pronged: firstly because I have been wanting to get back into giving it a regular check up not just from the outside, and secondly because of the news that the land has been sold (or is in the process of being sold) to a development company that aims to build a rather large condo project to accompany the growing line of refurbished factory-condos that already populate the upper parts of the Lachine Canal. It's a big project, to the tune of some 300 plus units. I bumped into a fellow explorer while passing through in May who was more than knowledgeable about the whole affair (and the history of the Malt Plant as well) and is part of the community that is opposing the development in favor of something more in line with and reflective of the existent population presently in St. Henri. Although I have not had the opportunity to follow up and attend one of the community meetings I know that there is a local opposition to the development and the residents of St Henri, at least in that immediate area, are hoping for project that is more in tune with the residential community rather than the business interests representing the development.

It was my first time taking long exposures like this in Stinky's, including the larger stitches. I've taken shots in and around the "3 sec range hand held before in there, but for the most part a shot like that isn't all that great and has a good bit of blur or distortion in it. Although I've got mixed feelings over my results from these shots, being that is was a different and more measured approach to my usual 'smash and grab' technique (getting in, snapping shots and getting out as fast as possible) it gave me the chance to appreciate the process a little more. I also got to mess a little with HDR as well, in that I was taking long exposure shots and playing with the settings a lot. Again, its not my regular method but some interesting results. I dunno, tell me. If you like what your seeing then let me know and I'll try to post a bit more of it here and there.

It's dark as hell in some spots in there, and you gotta keep your wits and senses on point lest you be on the receiving end of a falling brick or be the victim of a collapsing part of the structure at some point. The 'main entrance' into this beast is littered with bricks and refuse. I didn't even realize that there was protective netting in place along the ceiling vaults to catch the falling pieces of structure, of which several bunches of bricks were pocketed. Always a nice wake up call. There are plenty of other reminders in the form of holes in ceiling and floors, crumbling walls and partitions, and exposed machinery parts jutting through surfaces that attest to this structure having reached the end of its days.

It's definitely not the safest of abandoned locales in the city, but its got some great views of the neighborhood from atop its high parts and the scenes created by the light breaching the boarded up interiors makes for some interesting shots. There is also a good amount of hidden tags, faded throwies, and a few old pieces that comes through the layers or paint, dust, and grime that you can catch here and there. Anyway, here are the rest of my shots from my most recent visit. I think the HDR shots (first three of the last four shots following) actually came out ok. It's a technique I'm playing with and hope to improve upon so it's all work in progress.
More soon. Stay posted.