I kind of fell off a little over the last couple of months. Been walking the streets and flicking but just haven't put it all together. Every now and then you just get lost in all the action, let the work pile up until it buries you. Well, this is me digging myself out of it. Here's a bunch of stuff from the last couple of months. Walls, rooftops, spots and shows.
I passed on through the EarthCrusher show a bit back to lend my support for Mr. TV Head a bit back too. Didn't stay long but this gent kills it. Loved the helmet, the exhibit, and his energy. You can check his work here at his site, he's got a bunch of good stuff, including some dope prints and drawings.
I also passed through
Fake Shop last month for the Sneakers High Vs. Runners Low show that was a pretty awesome too. Again though, I didn't get that many shots of the show cause I got lost in all the kerfuffle but the highlights were definitely the classic and fresh assortment of sneakers and related paraphernalia from Michael DSK, the beats, tunes, and lyrics from Loes, Narcy, et al. You can check out some great shots of the evening by the talented Jose Enrique Montes Hernandez and shots from the current Saturation exhibit going on in San Juan, Puerto Rico featuring works by Philip Pun18 Cruz, Alex Scaner, Zek, and Kems.
And yeah, I'm still working those rooftops as much as possible. One of those rooftop editions is definitely in the works... I love catching unique city sky lines, especially from the rooftops of some of the choice spots in the city. I've been scouting out some more locales, more to come soon.
Been trying to get more freight lately as well. It's an aspect of the local as well as larger subculture that I have been very interested in covering in more detail for some time now, but due to daily and academic restraints have not been able to dive into as much as I have wanted to. I'll be trying to put more work in on that end of things so hopefully I'll have more freight flicks in future posts to come.
Lots more that I am trying to line up as soon as I can get to it. Stay posted.