This first set of pics is not from Stink's but from the area leading up to it along the Lachine Canal. It's just a few hits up on the back of some company's wall but I figured that since I've never really gone by that route that I'd capture a few of them on the way in.
When I hopped over the back fence to get into the main grounds I noticed that one of the bottom windows had been forcibly kicked in or removed revealing a way into the dark and murky depths of the substructure to the silos. Although I was tempted I was also alone without back up and the weather wasn't the most conducive to an exploration into the dungeon-like interior of the plant. I also didn't have any equipment like a trusty flashlight so I opted not to take a chance and get myself screwed. Tempting though...
The rest of the area was pretty regular, although I did manage to get some good shots of some relatively new stuff and even some nice oldies. Besides that I can always find time to take shots of Stink's in general.
On the way out through St. Henri I caught some stuff by Rage5 and Bubz along Notre-Dame and a few other tags and such along the way.